
How to Focus Course Clips

Here you will find a selection of hand-picked clips from the Maven Edu Quit Wasting Time course, designed to give you a taste of what you can expect to learn when you enroll! Each clip has been carefully curated to showcase the most important aspects of the course. You’ll see real-world examples, interactive exercises, and expert instruction that will help you to master your time.

So take a look around, watch some clips, and see how the Maven Edu Quit Wasting Time course can help you achieve your goals in time management! We’re confident that once you’ve seen what we have to offer, you’ll be convinced that this course is the right choice for you.

Ready to Dive Into the Course?

Click the button to go to the course page and get started!

⁉️ Zeigarnik what? What is this effect and how can we use it to sharpen our focus?

📉 Bad productivity isn’t fun. This affects your mood and obviously work output. Do you know what can directly contribute to your reduced productivity?

🤔 Do you even know what truly distracts you? Learn what you should pay attention to in order to identify your personal distractions.

❌ Let’s remove distractions from our lives so that we can focus more.

Why is self-motivation so freaking hard? There are proven ways that you can get yourself motivated to do the things that you need to or want to do!

🥵🥶🌡 Always too cold or too hot while working? Wonder if it affects your work? The answer is probably! See why you should care about keeping the proper working temperature to work your best and stay focused.

🚿 Taking warm showers does something to our bodies that helps us to get better sleep, but what is it?

“JUST DO IT” – Shia LaBeouf. The easiest and simpliest way to start working is to… 🥁JUST START🥁 Learn some methods that can help you get started on your work.

⚠️ Do you work from your couch or even your bed? Don’t! Designating a working area helps you psychologically associate a specific area for working to promote focus.

Ready to Dive Into the Course?

Click the button to go to the course page and get started!